A woman coming from her country assuming Ihram but breaking it in Jeddah upon meeting her husband then assumed it to offer `Umrah


Q: I came to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by plane, and I made the intention for 'Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) at the Miqat (site for entering the ceremonial state for Hajj or 'Umrah) while flying over it. Upon our arrival to Jeddah Airport, I found my husband waiting for me and he then took me to a hotel in Jeddah for rest. Due to being tired from the journey, as he had arrived in Jeddah after traveling all night, he told me that he was unable to go to Makkah and - Allah Willing - after two or three weeks we would go to Makkah to perform 'Umrah, and I obeyed him. After three weeks, we assumed Ihram (ceremonial state for Hajj or 'Umrah) from the Miqat and I performed `Umrah perfectly, all praise be to Allah, and then returned to my country.My question is: Am I obligated to do anything (in expiation) with respect to my Ihram for the first `Umrah, which I had not performed, and how can I offer this expiation while I am in my country? May Allah reward you with the best for what you have done for us. A: If no sexual intercourse took place during the period in which you remained in Jeddah, then 'Umrah is valid and your first Ihram counts, while the second Ihram is of no value. However, if you had sexual intercourse during this period, then the 'Umrah which you performed is invalid, and you must go back to make it up by entering into Ihram from the Miqat (Part No. 10; Page No. 132

A: If no sexual intercourse took place during the period in which you remained in Jeddah, then 'Umrah is valid and your first Ihram counts, while the second Ihram is of no value. However, if you had sexual intercourse during this period, then the 'Umrah which you performed is invalid, and you must go back to make it up by entering into Ihram from the Miqat (Part No. 10; Page No. 132) from which you performed Ihram for the first `Umrah. Moreover, you must slaughter a sheep, meeting the same conditions for Ud-hiyah (sacrificial animal offered by non-pilgrims) in Makkah and distribute its meat among the poor of Al-Haram (all areas within the Sacred Sanctuary of Makkah). Also, you should not eat anything from it. If your husband was in a state of Ihram for `Umrah when he received you and you had sexual intercourse with him, then he must do the same thing which we have already mentioned to make up for his `Umrah and the obligation of offering Dam (atonement required of a pilgrim for a willful violation of a prohibition or obligation while in the ceremonial state for Hajj and `Umrah). The mistake of having worn regular tailored clothing and other Ihram prohibitions are forgiven due to ignorance of the ruling.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
